Refund & Cancellation Policy

Investors will use the bank account registered with Investkraft and not any other bank account

Any capitalized terms used but not defined herein shall have the meaning assigned to them under the terms and conditions which govern your use of our website (the “website”) and our ‘investkraft” application for mobile and handheld devices (the “app”). The website and the app are jointly referred to as the “platform”.


the policy is designed to provide a clear process for initiating refunds related to transactions entered by the user with specific providers. The policy may include information about the circumstances under which a refund may be granted, such as if there was an error in processing the transaction or if the product or service provided was defective..

The policy may also establish a specific time frame for initiating refunds, which could be based on factors such as the nature of the transaction or the provider's refund policy. It is important for users to understand the terms of the refund policy and any related time frames to ensure they receive any refunds they may be entitled to in a timely manner.

Overall, a clear and well-defined refund policy can help build trust and confidence between users and providers, and ensure that transactions are processed fairly and transparently.


This policy is applicable to all, or any transaction entered by user through this platform.

Cancellation Policy:

Please note that once the payment gets deducted, it will be treated as successful transactions and there is no way User can cancel such transactions except in case of Insurance policies where user will get time period of 30 days as free look period to cancel their policy.

Refund Policy:

There may be instances where Company is either unable to accept your specific request or the transactions entered by you gets unsuccessful due to reasons including without limitations, technical/server errors, incomplete KYC, or any other reason attributable to Company, Partnered Banks/NBFC’s; Partnered Asset Management Company; Partnered Insurance Companies. In such scenarios, refund of the amount gets initiated then and there as per the refund & cancellation policy of specific service provider and shall reach to customer basis below mentioned timelines.

The term Service Provider is referred to:
  • Insurance: Partnered Insurance Companies
  • Fixed Deposits: Partnered Banks and NBFC’s
  • P2P Lending (Save Plus)
  • Credit Line (INsta cash)

Refund Timelines:

Refunds initiated by specific service provider will reflect into the customer’s account based on the original mode of payment. Please refer below to find out when the amount is credited to the customer and through which channel:

Original Mode of Payment Refunded to Timeline
Credit Card Source 10-12 working days post initiation of refund by respective service provider
Debit Card Source 10-12 working days post initiation of refund by respective service provider
UPI Net banking 10-12 working days post initiation of refund by respective service provider
Net banking Source Primary Account 10-12 working days post initiation of refund by respective service provider
eNACH Source Primary Account 10-12 working days post initiation of refund by respective service provider
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